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Life in marketing can be tough!

Advertising & Marketing

You invest time, money, and creative energy on building marketing messaging, resources, and promotions – but it can be difficult to get your message in front of the right audience. Some people like vanilla and some like chocolate. We can help you figure out how to effectively distribute your key messages to cater to all audiences.

As a key supplier, you can deploy our ‘Advertising Media Kit’, which pre-packages a cross-media advertising solution. This package can be used to reach an extensive range of influential buyers, frequent business travelers, travel counselors and CWT employees. To learn more, please connect with your local contact to explore all exciting possibilities.

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Tell your story

Grow your audience across EMEA

Looking for ways to showcase and increase your company’s visibility in multiple CWT EMEA countries? Please reach out to the Affiliate Marketing EMEA team members: Adam Grimshaw or Nicole Bos to discuss your options or to unlock a relevant and tailor-made proposal. Just one taste of our perfect advertising recipe, and you’ll be back for seconds!

We offer a variety of strategic and creative marketing opportunities in markets you want to focus on.

Contact the EMEA team